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Monday, January 26, 2015 Weekend Snapshots // St Kilda Coffees and Hangovers

Both George and I have been unwell this weekend. George is suffering from severe lower back pain (we think it might be a pinched nerve) and I was suffering from a severe hangover (so no sympathy for me). But that turned into a migraine which turned into an ear ache which turned into neck pain and a tooth ache (maybe just a lil sympathy?). So we're both drugged up on Panadols and peppermint tea, and have been hanging very very low this weekend (no loud noises allowed).

We did manage to leave the house for a few hours on Sunday morning. I had read this article about Endless Summer iced coffee, and was keen to give it a try. It turns out they use coffee beans sourced from a farm in Kenya that is located only about a hundred Kms from where George's grandma runs her own coffee farm, and so the makers and George had a lot to talk about :) And the coffee itself was beautiful (I think Kenyan coffee is the best... but I might be a little biased). Here are a few snaps from the day.. sorry about the crappy quality of the photos, I really do plan on buying a 'proper' camera soon!

The dog on the back of the bike is wearing goggles!! Made my day.. my week.. my life :P

And now I will return to resting my weary head. Hope you've all had a lovely one xx

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