Hello there! Welcome to my blog.
I've created this site in order to
document and share the simple ways through which I find beauty and
inspiration in my everyday life. I'm a chronic travel-bugger, but with
limited financial resources to allow me to fulfill all my cravings,
I'm attempting to bring a fresh approach to my adventures around this
beautiful city of Melbourne. I sometimes forget how lucky I am to
live in a place like this. I think when you grow up somewhere it becomes very easy to idealise exotic locations or faraway places, and forget
about the exciting and underrated beauties that surround you. I've
got an old notebook that I used to scribble down quotes in, back when
I was obsessed with Tumblr and trying to become really spiritual and
deep (we all go through that phase, don't deny it). I wrote down a quote
which says, “instead of seeking new landscapes, develop new eyes”.
I think about this quote... all the time. There are many benefits that
can come from this approach, apart from it being more cost effective.
I sincerely believe that.
Thanks for visiting :)
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