28 January: This photo was taken pre-FKA Twigs gig. If you haven't listened to any of her music, do yourself a favour. You can start here, if you wish.
29 January: I decided to join the rest of the world and started reading this book.
30 January: Still been getting bad neck pains, headaches and dizzy spells. Every morning I get up and think that I'm all better, and then gradually get worse as the day goes on. This day was probably the worst it has been. I had to lie on this yoga mat all day, watching TV shows (life could be worse, I admit). I watched the last episode of Parenthood, and became a snotty emotional wreck.
31 January: Someone very close to me is having a bit of a rough time of late. She is in the recovery process, but has a long road ahead. We caught up for lunch on Saturday, where she showed me her project from that morning - a treat to herself. Her name is Sparkles.
1 February: No I didn't make these. But a friend of mine did. And I ate most of them. So it was a very proud day all-round!
2 February: I haven't used an eyelash curler in years. I feel like they're the ultimate 'guilty' purchase. I remember the first time I bought an eyelash curler - it was at Heathrow airport when I was 19, coming home from my trip around Europe. I had my last 50 pound note that I was wanting to spend, and so I went for it. Then I became addicted to it - I basically used it every time I was leaving the house. I think you get used to your eyes looking a certain way, and then it begins to look odd when they don't. I can't really remember why I stopped using it, and I can't even remember what happened to that curler. But the other day I found an old photo, from when I was about 20 - the year of curled lashes - and realised what a difference it can make. And so I went on ebay and made the purchase. Here's hoping I don't get addicted again.
3 February: The neck pains continue. I just want to stay in bed all day long.
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